Data Recovery and Backup Recommendations

We provide data backup and business continuity services to minimize costly downtime after a cybersecurity attack. Protect your business with Tekie Geek.

How Often Do I Need to Back Up My Business Data?

Nearly every business has to contend with cyber attacks, whether it’s through a phishing scam or ransomware. Backing up your business data regularly can help prevent costly downtime in the event of an attack. Find out more about data loss prevention for your business from Tekie Geek, an expert provider of managed IT and other services for clients in New York and New Jersey.

What Is Business Continuity?

When an unexpected event interrupts your business operations, you risk losing time, money, and customers. Unplanned disruptions can range from natural disasters and service outages to security breaches. Business continuity simply refers to an enterprise’s ability to maintain critical functions and services during a disruption, as well as return to normal operations as quickly as possible. Having a business continuity plan in place means you’ll be prepared and able to respond quickly if a ransomware attack or other event affects your data.

Best Practices for Data Recovery and Backup

Businesses should back up their data as often as possible, but truthfully, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. That’s why it can be helpful to work with a computer consultant who understands your business’s unique needs and data environment. One backup per day might be enough for some organizations, but others may need more frequent backups to retain crucial information. Use these best practices to guide your business data policies:

Don’t Rely on a Single Method

If you back up your data to only one location, you could lose everything if that storage method fails. Many IT experts recommend the 3-2-1 rule. First, make three copies of your data. Next, store your backup copies on two separate devices or platforms. Finally, ensure one of these devices is in an offsite storage location.

Control and Monitor Access

Even when you have a small staff, you need tight controls over who can access and modify your data. Set privileges and permissions so employees can access only the information and applications they need to complete their jobs. Don’t let users share credentials, and enforce strong password policies to reduce the likelihood of breaches or attacks.

Don’t Forget to Run Tests

Simply backing up your data isn’t enough – you need to make sure there are no storage or accessibility issues. Create a schedule for monitoring and running tests on your backup and recovery protocols. This will help you identify any errors or room for improvement.

Business Data Support From Tekie Geek

At Tekie Geek, we understand how important it is to safeguard your data. As a managed service provider, we offer business continuity services for small and medium-sized businesses across multiple industries. Our team of IT superheroes creates and implements tailored recovery plans to ensure data loss prevention after an attack or incident. We use a process called bare metal restore, which can quickly recover an entire server or hard drive onto a new device.

Tekie Geek offers:

  • Daily backup testing
  • Ransomware detection
  • Instant virtualization to host systems locally or on the cloud
  • Advanced backup verification
  • Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), hardware, and software protection
  • Cloud storage plans

Dedicated to helping you minimize downtime, Tekie Geek can back up data as often as every five minutes, allowing us to restore computer and system data as closely as possible to their state before a disruption.

Choose an Experienced IT Consultant

Losing your business data can be catastrophic. Don’t take any chances – partner with Tekie Geek, an experienced managed service provider. Serving businesses throughout New York and New Jersey, Tekie Geek offers business continuity services, managed IT, cloud computing solutions, and more. Plus, we provide 24/7 monitoring, so you’ll always have support when you need it. To learn more about our data recovery and backup services, contact us today.

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