Cloud Computing – Amazon Web Services (AWS) in NY & NJ

Keep your business in NY or NJ running smoothly with cloud computing through Amazon Web Services (AWS). Learn more from the IT heroes at Tekie Geek.
Internet infrastructure concept illustration with cloud in the center and lines leading to surrounding points

Cloud Computing With Amazon Web Services in New York and New Jersey

Regardless of the industry, your business may benefit from cloud computing with AWS, or Amazon Web Services. AWS is the leading cloud computing platform and offers more managed services than many competitors. If you’re wondering if AWS can benefit your business in New York or New Jersey, the experts at Tekie Geek are here to help you figure it out and get you set up. Learn more about cloud computing with AWS and how partnering with Tekie Geek can help your business thrive.

Cloud Computing Basics

Cloud computing is used to deliver services to users online, eliminating the need to store data locally. This makes it easier for employees to access content without having to worry about staff or data being in one location.

Cloud computing can be advantageous for many businesses, especially those with a large remote workforce or global network. Adapting cloud computing for your business can result in increased productivity, cost savings, and faster processing times. However, some businesses may manage with an on-premises data infrastructure. It can be tough to decide which is best, so the IT superheroes at Tekie Geek are here to assist you with any IT decisions you must make for your business.

What Is Amazon Web Services (AWS)?

Amazon is a leader in many areas of business, and cloud computing is no different. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the most advanced and widely used cloud computing platform in the world. This comprehensive platform is currently found in more than 245 countries and territories. AWS often beats out competitors because of the sheer number of managed services they offer—more than two hundred, including:

  • Compute power: Helps developers build and scale applications in the cloud platform
  • Database storage: Archives data on a secure web storage service
  • Content delivery: Uses high transfer speeds to connect physical networks to private VNs
  • Mobile development: Helps create apps to run on mobile devices
  • Data analytics: Extracts statistics and provides insights on using them
  • Security: Monitors your data for safekeeping

These are some of the most widely used managed services AWS offers to businesses and customers around the world that help make them the leading choice for cloud computing platforms. AWS also provides services related to gaming, artificial intelligence, machine learning, the Internet of Things, and more that businesses in many industries find relevant.

Benefits of Amazon Web Services for Your Business

Cloud computing in general helps businesses maintain a more centralized location for data and keep it secure, allowing workers to boost productivity and save more money. However, AWS in particular offers even more specific benefits to businesses because it is so comprehensive. AWS managed services boast:

  • The most extensive global cloud infrastructure with strict and secure data centers
  • More than two hundred services to choose from
  • Expansion and growth aid
  • A user-friendly model that is easy to access
  • Cost-effective design with a pay-what-you-use scale

These benefits are why some of the biggest enterprises and start-ups employ AWS, including companies like Netflix, Johnson & Johnson, Capital One, Adobe, and more. Its wide range of services makes AWS beneficial for businesses in tech, advertising, retail, food service, and other industries.

AWS With Tekie Geek

If you think your business could benefit from cloud computing with AWS, Tekie Geek is here to help simplify the process and get you switched over smoothly. At Tekie Geek, we offer a range of IT services, including fully managed and scalable cloud computing solutions. Since our establishment in 2012, we’ve made strong partnerships with some of the best providers in the industry, including AWS and Microsoft Azure, to ensure you have access to the tools you need.

When you partner with Tekie Geek, our IT consultants thoroughly go through your business’s needs, budget, and current infrastructure to determine which cloud platform is best for you. Our team works to tailor services to the needs of your enterprise.

Contact Us Today for Your Free Consultation

Are you wondering if Amazon Web Services will benefit your business? Don’t just guess — discover the best cloud computing solution for your business with help from the IT superheroes at Tekie Geek. Serving businesses throughout New York and New Jersey, Tekie Geek is here to assist your business in making these important decisions. In addition to cloud computing solutions like AWS managed services, Tekie Geek also provides managed IT services, unified communications, and more to help small- to medium-sized businesses thrive. Contact us today to schedule your free AWS consultation.

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